#contingent workforce management

Designing your global MSP programme

In today’s globalised business environment you’re confronted with constantly changing economic and labour conditions. These altering conditions increase the need for a global contingent workforce strategy. Especially when struggling with labour shortages in certain industries and countries, having an MSP programme in place could be very helpful. But how should that global MSP be designed […]

Designing your global MSP programme Read More »

TalentIn blog 43 - Inhurende manager betrekken

Hoe inhurende managers betrekken in uw recruitment oplossingen; 7 overwegingen

HR en Procurement hebben vaak de beste bedoelingen en leveren forse inspanningen om de recruitment van talent te faciliteren, managen en structureren. Desondanks valt het vaak niet mee om de inhurende managers over de streep te trekken en het model te volgen. De wijze waarop een oplossing talent aantrekt, vindt en rekruteert is niet altijd

Hoe inhurende managers betrekken in uw recruitment oplossingen; 7 overwegingen Read More »

A VMS Quick Scan can take your Contingent Workforce Programme to the next level

Contingent Workforce (CW) Programmes, like in- or external MSP programmes, are built to ensure the service is beneficial to the business organisation and goals. Most of us experience the implementation of a CW Programme as very complex. This is due to the large number of stakeholders involved and to the fact that you look at

A VMS Quick Scan can take your Contingent Workforce Programme to the next level Read More »

Why hire contingent workers?

It is fair to say that times continue to be challenging. Companies need to determine new ways to manage their workload, their workforce and their labour costs. With the rise of the gig-economy, scarcity in skill sets and the need to stay or get ahead of the curve, organisations increasingly invest in hiring freelancers, consultants

Why hire contingent workers? Read More »

Hiring Manager key to success in Contingent Workforce programmes

Many organisations put a lot of effort in designing and implementing Contingent Workforce (CW) programmes as well as in improving the programmes they already have. The most common objectives driving these programmes set out to achieve cost savings, improve insights and compliance, improve access to the right talent, or a combination of these. When organisations

Hiring Manager key to success in Contingent Workforce programmes Read More »

10 considerations for a multi-country VMS deployment

10 considerations for a multi-country VMS deployment Although many organisations have broadly similar requirements for VMS systems, like many business technology requirements ‘the devil is in the detail’ is a clichéd, but very relevant phrase. Most VMS platforms are designed to be highly configurable in recognition of this fact, and implementation services are also designed

10 considerations for a multi-country VMS deployment Read More »

Talent is Talent – so why treat them differently?

In the past and still today organisations separate their activities, selection processes, their value propositions and their investments in talent engagement by the different types of contractual relationships they have with their workers. A temporary worker may have a different experience of their introduction, perceived value and reward from a company than a permanent worker

Talent is Talent – so why treat them differently? Read More »

Talentin BLOG CWM 2020 FR

Les Perspectives de l’année 2020- Recrutement et Marché de l’intérim

Maintenant que 2020 approche à grands pas, le moment est venu de réfléchir et partager quelques réfléxions sur l’année 2019. Quelles vont être les tendances du marché du recrutement et du recours aux intérims dans les années à venir? Constat: Comme nous le savons tous, la composition de notre effectif évolue de plus en plus

Les Perspectives de l’année 2020- Recrutement et Marché de l’intérim Read More »

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