
Is technology lock-in by MSP and RPO service providers a risk?

In the recruitment and talent acquisition processes, we see more and more new software applications and technologies, featuring artificial intelligence, predictive analytics and machine learning. As a result MSP and RPO service providers are investing heavily in partnerships with innovative new technology providers, in building their own technology stack or in acquisitions. Recent examples are […]

Is technology lock-in by MSP and RPO service providers a risk? Read More »

Het belang van goed leveranciers management in de huidige arbeidsmarkt

De schaarste in de markt baart inmiddels niet alleen opdrachtgevers maar ook de leveranciers zorgen: wervingskosten nemen toe en de druk op leveren wordt steeds harder gevoeld. Dit dwingt leveranciers tot het maken van keuzes in wie ze willen bedienen. Daarnaast wordt het opbouwen van partnerships met leveranciers vanuit opdrachtgevers perspectief steeds belangrijker om zo

Het belang van goed leveranciers management in de huidige arbeidsmarkt Read More »

European workforce strategy specialist TalentIn has opened a UK office as part of their international network.

European workforce strategy specialist TalentIn has opened a UK office to support UK Headquartered companies with their local and international Workforce Management challenges. TalentIn has announced that Dugald McIntosh has joined them as a Managing Partner. TalentIn are independent workforce Strategy Advisors operating across Europe. Ron Bosma, co-founder and Managing Partner at TalentIn: “We are

European workforce strategy specialist TalentIn has opened a UK office as part of their international network. Read More »

TalentIn, de Europese specialist in Workforce management, heeft een Brits kantoor geopend als onderdeel van hun internationale netwerk.

Het Europese Workforce Strategie adviesbureau TalentIn heeft een vestiging geopend in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Met dit kantoor kan zij haar opdrachtgevers met een Engelse vestiging (hoofdkantoor of nevenvestiging) nog beter adviseren en begeleiding ten aanzien van hun lokale en internationale Workforce Management vraagstukken. Vanuit het in Bristol gevestigde kantoor zal Dugald McIntosh, onlangs toegetreden als

TalentIn, de Europese specialist in Workforce management, heeft een Brits kantoor geopend als onderdeel van hun internationale netwerk. Read More »

Workforce management: The 2021 outlook

2020 has been anything but a stable year for the labour market and the recruitment industry. The economic fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic, has resulted in job losses and in higher unemployment rates. The services sector seems to have taken the hardest hit. Catering, tourism, travel, and all entertainment businesses were forced to shut down.

Workforce management: The 2021 outlook Read More »

TalentIn BOG Workforce Futureproof

Is your workforce future-proof?

Is your workforce future-proof? Multiple researches show us that roles and jobs as we currently know them will no longer exist in the future. Some say that in 10 years time 85% of the jobs we have today won’t exist anymore. Others predict that it is closer to 50%. The future will tell… Everybody agrees

Is your workforce future-proof? Read More »

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